The Meaning of the Three Aikido Kanji

Ai - harmonyAi means 'to fit, to be in harmony or agreement with.' The lower strokes form a square, which represents a mouth or opening such as that of a teapot. The upper three strokes originally formed a lid or stopper. The combination suggests two things that harmonize or fit together, such as the lid on a teapot, the cork in a bottle, the round peg in the round hole. Ai is most commonly associated with aikido when one combines or blends their energy with that of their opponents.

Ki - spiritKi comes from the ancient Chinese character Qi for steam, composed of elements representing sun and fire, the sources of steam. The horizontal stroke with the curved vertical line represents a boiling pot of rice with a lid and a handle. The uppermost strokes represent the rising clouds of steam. The cross within the pot represents a stalk of rice with the four individual grains, the food that gives life and energy to humans. Together these elements compose a symbol which came to indicate centralized energy, sprite or 'breath power' that is possessed by every person. Ki also refers to the spirit of the universe and not just the spirit of human beings.

Do - the wayDo shows a human figure walking along a road or path. Do (equivalent to Tao in Chinese) means a road or path; not only the road we put out feet on but rather the path we take to get somewhere. By extension, do also mean a course of discovery or way of life that leads to our objectives with the ultimate aim being spiritual enlightenment.
The Way of Harmonious Spirit